A Godly Church Family, Equipping Believers for Building The Kingdom
Thursday, May 22, 2008
36th PCA General Assembly- June 10-13, 2008
For complete info on everything from the golf tournament to the seminars, check out their website.
Plan now to attend and enjoy this time of fun, fellowship and teaching.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Aquila Report
There is a new website up that will keep updates on a regular basis on the PCA. See here. This has long been a desideratum. It is good to see that Dominic Aquila and Don Clements are going to keep us up to date.
A New Web Magazine for PCA News and Information
The Aquila Report is a new and independent web magazine for news and information for, of and about the Presbyterian Church in America and other churches in the Reformed community. The editor, Dominic Aquila, is a PCA minister and president of New Geneva Theological Seminary in Colorado Springs, Colo. He was moderator of the 34th PCA General Assembly (2006), the founding editor of the former PCANews.com, and past editor of the Byfaithonline Newsletter. Don Clements, also a PCA minister, is overseeing the business and marketing functions of The Aquila Report.
In The Aquila Report you will find current news and information about churches, people and events in the PCA and other churches. There will also be articles addressing issues of interest to the church. Watch for other features that will be introduced over time that will enhance your visits to this web magazine. There is an email address listed on the website.
HT: Green Baggins
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Servants Not Spectators
Servants Not Spectators
April 10th, 2008
(By John MacArthur)
I have often spoken out against all the pragmatic and “seeker-sensitive” approaches to contemporary worship because they tend to diminish the proper place of preaching and replace it with quasi-spiritual forms of sheer entertainment (music, comedy, drama, and whatnot). Any trend that threatens the centrality of God’s Word in our corporate worship is a dangerous trend.
But one of the most disturbing side effects of the seeker-sensitive fad is something I haven’t said as much about: When one of the main aims of a ministry philosophy is to keep people entertained, church members inevitably become mere spectators. The architects of the modern megachurches admit that they have deliberately redesigned the worship service in order to make as few demands as possible on the person in the pew. After all, they don’t want the “unchurched” to be intimidated by appeals for personal involvement in ministry. That’s the very opposite of “seeker sensitivity.”
Such thinking is spiritually deadly. Christianity is not a spectator sport. Practically the worst thing any churchgoer can do is be a hearer but not a doer (James 1:22-25). Christ himself pronounced doom on religious people who want to be mere bystanders (Matthew 7:26-27).
Something is seriously wrong in a church where the staff does all the “ministry” and people are made to feel comfortable as mere observers. One of the pastor’s main duties is to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:12). Every believer is called to be a minister of some sort, with each of us using the unique gifts given us by God for the edification of the whole church (Rom. 12:6-8).
That’s why Scripture portrays the church as a body—an organism with many organs (1 Corinthians 12:14), where each member has a unique role (vv. 15-25), and all contribute something important to the life of the body. “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it” (v. 26).
I can’t read that verse without thinking of Dizzy Dean. He was a Hall-of-Fame baseball pitcher, whose career peaked in the 1930s. His 1934 season has never been excelled by any pitcher in history. Dean won thirty games that year, a feat that hasn’t been repeated since (though Dizzy himself came close, winning 28 games the following year). But in the 1937 All-Star game, he took a hard line drive off his toe, and the toe was broken. It should not have been a career-ending injury, but Dean was rushed back into the lineup before the fracture was completely healed, and he pitched several games favoring the sore toe. That led to an unnatural delivery that seriously injured his pitching arm. The arm never fully recovered. Dizzy Dean’s major-league career was essentially over in four years.
Something similar happens in any church where there are non-functioning members. The active members of the body become overextended, and the effectiveness of the whole body suffers greatly. Even the most insignificant member, like a toe, is designed to play a vital role.
That truth has been one of the main foundations of my approach to ministry for many years. When I first became pastor of Grace Community Church in 1969, I taught a series on Ephesians, and we spent a great deal of time studying the principle of Ephesians 4:11—that the pastor’s duty is to equip the saints, and it is their duty to shoulder the work of the ministry.
Our people quickly embraced that simple idea, and it transformed our church in a remarkable way. For one thing, we began to see dramatic growth. Within a matter of months, attendance on Sundays had ballooned to almost 1,000. About that same time, a well-known evangelical magazine asked a reporter to write an article about the growth of our church. He visited our services for several weeks, carefully observed how the ministry functioned, interviewed scores of people, and then wrote an article titled “The Church with 900 Ministers.”
That title perfectly summarized what has made Grace Church unique for all these years. Nowadays we have several thousand ministers, but the principle is still the same. Everyone is expected and encouraged to be involved in active ministry. Almost no one in our church would ever view ministry as the exclusive domain of professional clergy. If you want to be comfortable as a mere spectator, Grace Church is not the church for you.
I am not making a case for egalitarianism. Much less would I argue against the need for full-time vocational pastors who devote their whole lives to prayer, the study of the Word of God, and the training and equipping of the saints (cf. Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 4:14-15; 5:17). The church needs leaders, and God has specifically called men to leadership and set them in places of authority in the church (cf. Hebrews 13:7, 17).
But the New Testament pattern is clear and inescapable: Every Christian is gifted and called to ministry. The spiritual gifts we are given are not for our own sake, but for the benefit of the whole body (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them” (Romans 12:6, emphasis added).
In my experience, it is not difficult to motivate gifted people to minister. The gift of mercy, for example, might practically be defined as the desire combined with the ability to show mercy. A person truly gifted to teach wants to teach. All the average person needs is encouragement and opportunities to employ his or her gifts. If faithful leaders properly train, equip, and guide people to the right ministry opportunities, the church will flourish.
If you are a church leader, I hope you have embraced your duty to equip people for ministry. It is, after all, one of your main duties—if not the single most important task for leaders in today’s church.
If you’re a lay person, I hope you’ll find a place where you can use your gift in the work of the ministry. Maybe you’ll be used by the Lord to start an epidemic of lay ministry in your congregation.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Reformed Congregational Fellowship
Thanks to David Williams for the information!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Westminster Shorter Catechism Audio Online
Andrew writes, "I want to recommend a wonderful resource being made available by Immanuel Presbyterian Church, an Old School Presbyterian congregation in Norfolk, VA. Immanuel is making the entire Westminster Shorter Catechism available for download in high quality MP3 format. While this is not the first time the WSC has been recorded, this is the most professional version of it I have heard to date. This is a wonderful resource to make available to the members of your congregation, particularly so they can practice the catechism as they drive to and from work."
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Reformed Dream
This is an essay that Dr. Robert Godfrey (President and Professor of Church History at Westminster Seminary California) wrote in 2005. It has resurfaced and has been mentioned on a number of blogs lately. This is a great article! Click here - A Reformed Dream.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Daily Confession
Week 1 | Tue Jan 1 | Shorter Catechism, Q1-3 |
Wed Jan 2 | Belgic Confession, A1-3 | |
Thu Jan 3 | Larger Catechism, Q1-5 | |
Fri Jan 4 | Westminster Confession, 1.1-1.3 | |
Sat Jan 5 | Canons of Dordt, Head 1, A1-2 | |
Sun Jan 6 | Heidelberg, Lord’s Day 1 | |
Mon Jan 7 | Children’s Catechism, Q1-5 |
At the end of the year readers will have read entirely through each of them.
Here is the link: Daily Confession
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Westminster Assembly Project
To purchase a print, see http://www.reformationart.com/westminster-assembly-poster–2.html (thecoupon code WAPROJECT is entered on the secure checkout page).
Support the project by passing on this link, or by asking for a poster from Reformation Art for your office or church.
*(Note: this generous support for the Westminster Assembly Project is limited to the purchase of Westminster assembly prints only).
Here is the link to The Westminster Assembly Project.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The M'Cheyne daily Bible reading calendar
HT: Reformation 21